Thank you so much for clicking on our advert. This idea is currently under development.

Here at Depaul UK, we understand how important it is that we spend our precious funds wisely. The ad you just clicked is a test idea that we are considering launching to help us to get more people engaged in our cause and to raise much-needed funds.

Just by clicking on the ad, you have helped us to develop our next fundraising proposition – thank you so much for helping us and for your understanding.

To see current ways of giving please follow the link below.

Get involved

If you would like to contact us to tell us how you feel about this idea or be the first to know when this idea gets launched please feel free to email us at with the words ‘Ad test’ in the subject line. We always welcome hearing from our supporters.

By Donating
could provide a safe space for a young person who has experienced trauma to meet a counsellor.
You could provide a tablet so a young person can stay connected, enabling them to apply for jobs or bid for long-term housing.
could fund the cost of a uniform needed by a young person starting a vocational college course like catering or construction?