Zara standing in a bus stop

the cost-of-living crisis: Urgent appeal

Our staff have never seen demand so great. With the price of food, energy and other essential goods still rising, the cost-of-living crisis is threatening to wreck the futures of young people trying to rebuild their lives after homelessness.    

If a young person can’t make ends meet, they risk eviction and the devastating possibility of returning to homelessness. Out there, they are exposed to criminal exploitation, mental illness – and loss of hope for a better future.  We cannot allow this to happen. 

Zara became homeless after escaping an abusive and neglectful family. She came to Depaul UK two years ago and is now currently at college training to be a chef. She dreams of one day opening her own restaurant, but right now has just £7 per day to live on. 

“On days when money runs out you just don’t eat that day. It’s embarrassing to say to people I don’t have food today. It’s not something you tell people.” 

The 16–24-year-olds we support, like Zara, have already come so far to secure their futures but are now struggling to keep their lives on track. 

Our staff have never seen things so bad 

The cost-of-living crisis is adding extra pressure on everyone, but this could prove too much for those already struggling and at risk of homelessness. Our staff have been keeping video diaries about how the crisis is affecting young people. 

How we are helping

Our teams are supporting young people like Zara by providing financial assistance and money management advice; trying to get better utility deals, and support with arrears. We are also helping young people to access food banks, essential clothing, and toiletries, and to apply for hardship funds. But demand is growing fast.    


How you can help 

We urgently need donations to cover the hugely increased costs of essential items: energy bills, food, clothing, toiletries, and essential travel. Without basic security, food and warmth, a young person cannot go on to thrive. Will you help protect someone’s future?  

Donate now to keep young people from falling back into homelessness because of the cost-of-living crisis.